Weinhold Wellness will walk with you one step at a time.

Live the Life you Desire

Do you feel stuck in a rut?  Frustrated that you are not able to lose weight, find time to exercise or eat a balanced diet? Or, are you stressed because you are not living the life you desire?

If your answer is “yes” to any of these questions, then wellness coaching may be for you!

Let’s work together to help you create healthy habits!

Headshot of Jennie Weinhold

Hello, I’m Jennie Weinhold. I’ve been working in the wellness industry for over 25 years, and I’ve helped men and women make positive changes in their lives. Through weekly coaching and accountability calls, we discuss what is holding you back from the life and energy you desire.

My approach is simple. Progress is made one step at a time. I take the time to learn about you and we discuss how you can make better choices for long-term health through small changes.  I give you the support you need until these changes become a part of your daily life.

Your goal? Take baby steps toward living a healthy and well-balanced life!

Jennie Weinhold holding Shaklee product

Wellness Solutions

We’ve partnered with Shaklee to offer natural solutions for improved health.

Jennie walking with client outdoors

Weight & Wellness

Weight loss support, goal setting and weekly accountability calls

Wellness Team

Our TEAM makes sure that we continue to grow together – both personally and professionally.